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You raise me up - Katja Vidmar & Alma Merklin & Kvintet Aeternum

Updated: Dec 14, 2022

You raise me up - Katja Vidmar & Alma Merklin ( offical page ) & Vokalni Kvintet Aeternum

Izredni umetniki, izredno okolje, izredni ljudje in izredna priložnost. V neizmerno čast si štejemo, da smo lahko prisostvovali poroki mladoporočencev in jih pospremili na njuno nadaljno pot z glasbo in plesom. Prvič v sodelovanju z izredno Almo in vokalnim kvintetom Aeternum. Hvala vsem za priložnost

Tadeja Polanšček in Eco Bodonci - hvala!!!

Thank for this opportunity to be able to cooperate with such fine artist Alma Merklin & Vocal quintet Aeternum with whom we spent this beautiful summer afternoon in Bodonci - Slovenia on the first steps of wedding of the happy couple. Us dancing with Alma and the choir in the church was giving us goosebumps and being there, doing what we love so much, makes us proud to be able to live the life we so much appreciate. Thank you for watching. Your Katja Dance Company

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