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The fortieth iteration of the play Life is a Value and a lecture by Vlasta Nussdorfer

Monday, October 16, was a special day for us. We danced the performance Life is a value for the 39th and 40th time for students of the Secondary School of Health. We never thought we'd get this far with this show, it's a really amazing repeat number and we're really honored, happy, grateful, excited and very happy to be dancing it for seven years and touching people with it. The theme of cancer, which does not choose and takes, is one that is so very real in our lives, so we are always happy to be invited to dance the show, because we know that with the proceeds from the tickets sold, we will once again help the Little Knight Foundation, and this time it is its representative, Boris Plantan, was with us, who told the students of the Secondary School of Health about his story of fighting cancer. When they also saw a photo of Anže, who lost his battle with this disease, many people's eyes lit up and the story moved them. I myself have danced the main role in all 40 performances and I still dance it with pleasure, at the same time with the awareness that this role is special - for me, for us, for others.

The 3rd year students listened to a lecture by Mrs. Vlasta Nussdorfer, who is our honorary patron of the performances. This time, she spoke to the students about human rights, trying to prove to them through her experiences how important our actions are. She pointed out the wrong decisions of people who do not think enough about the acceptability of their actions, do not respect laws, allow themselves to interfere in other people's lives and do not realize what the consequences are. She also introduced herself as a writer and addressed them as an experienced connoisseur of life, working with vulnerable groups, she emphasized that it is very important in life to be respectful, compassionate and sincere. Students and professors rewarded her with thunderous applause.

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