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Writer's pictureKatja Dance Company

Hug the tree on the stage already 28 times

Žužemberk, 9:30. From the fog to the warm sun, which accompanied us to the elementary school, where they were waiting for us. Hugs, warm greetings from our friends. Let us remind you that we performed here in December last year with the fairy tale Think of us. And they say that we were so "nice" that they invited us today, this Shrove Tuesday, to perform the fairy tale Hug the Tree.

120 small carnival skits gathered in front of our animals, who staged events and accidents in our own way in the school's gymnasium. What a lovely audience, little ones in all their simplicity and joy, smiling and willing educators and teachers, the one-time headmistress of the school and the extraordinary mayor, Mr. Jože Papež, who visited us again - he says he needed a little "art for the soul and positive energy" . Thus, he became the first mayor to visit Katja Dance Company performances twice.

We danced the story of the fairy tale and the children enthusiastically rewarded us with applause. And what's more - every member of our team received a personal handmade gift. Words cannot describe our gratitude and joy. They received us really nicely and are very hospitable.

This was followed by a joint lunch and a conversation between the friends we found in Suhi Krajina.

Thank you Žužemberk, thank you to Lili and Joža and to all the educators, teachers, thank you to the children, thank you to the cooks, thank you to the principal and the mayor.

You entered our hearts and became an important stone in the mosaic of creation of Katja Dance Company. And with our performance today, we will once again help the Heroes of the 3rd Floor Association.

Performed by: Katja Vidmar, Sara Brčvak, Iva Šantek and Špela Dolinar.

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