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Ballet class - advanced by María Matarranz de las Heras

ned., 17. mar.


Katja Dance Company

Ne zamudite te enkratne priložnosti advanced baletnega klasa s primabalerino Reškega baleta

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Ballet class - advanced by María Matarranz de las Heras
Ballet class - advanced by María Matarranz de las Heras

Ura in lokacija

17. mar. 2024, 11:30 – 13:00

Katja Dance Company, Letališka cesta 27, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia


O dogodku

Klas ob potekal v angleščini - the class will be held in english language

Kdo je María Matarranz de las Heras?

Plesati je začela v lokalni šoli v rodnem Valladolidu. Pri 13 letih se je vpisala in leta 2013 diplomirala na Escuela Profesional de Danza de Castilla y León. Prvo zaposlitev je dobila v mladinskem baletu Kayzer Ballet, kjer je delala s koreografi, kot je Ken Ossola. Pri 21 letih je pričela s študijem višje interpretacije plesa na prestižnem konservatoriju Superior Danza María de Ávila, s katerim je razširila in izpopolnila svoje gibalno znanje. Na konservatoriju je kot plesalka pomembno dozorela s pripravo in plesom koreografij Nacha Duata, Tonyja Fabra in Fernanda Hernanda Magadana. Hkrati je sodelovala v večih plesnih produkcijah v Royal Theater v Madridu, Grand Theater v Ženevi in nastopila na zasebni gala prireditvi slovitega Nederlands Dans Theater (NDT).

Pri 23 letih se je pridružila deželnemu gledališču Detmold pod umetniškim vodstvom Richarda Loweja, kjer je dve leti odigrala številne glavne vloge (kot je Clara v Hrestaču). Reškemu baletu se je pridružila v začetku sezone 2019/2020, do sedaj pa je plesala v: "Hrestaču" Maura de Candije (glavna vloga Marije); "Allegra", "Cipki" in "Svetinja pomladi" Maše Kolar; "To Blazing Water" Andonisa Foniadakisa; "Odiseje" Walterja Matteinija (glavna ženska vloga Penelope); in "Pathetic" Douglasa Leeja. "Spanish Rhapsody" Filipeja Portugala. "Romeo in Julija" Jirija Bubeniceka (glavna ženska vloga Julija). "n (u/O) minus" Ludmile Komkove. "4 nikoli" Jeroena Verbruggena. "Adam in Eva" Maše Kolar.

Pravkar je prejela nagrado Hrvatskog glumišta za vlogo Julije v Romeo in Juliji.

Who is María Matarranz de las Heras 

She started dancing at a local school in her native Valladolid. At the age of 13, she enrolled and graduated in 2013 from the Escuela Profesional de Danza de Castilla y León. She got her first job in the junior company Kayzer Ballet, where she worked with choreographers like Ken Ossola. At the age of 21, she began studying Superior Studies in Interpretation of Dance at the prestigious Conservatory Superior Danza María de Ávila, through which she expanded and perfected her knowledge of movement. At the Conservatory, she significantly gained maturity as a dancer by preparing and dancing choreographies by Nacho Duato, Tony Fabre and Fernando Hernando Magadan. At the same time, she participated in several dance productions staged at the Royal Theater in Madrid, the Grand Theater in Geneva, and performed at a private gala event of the famous Dutch Dance Theater (NDT).

At the age of 23, she joined the Landes Theater Detmold, under the artistic direction of Richard Lowe, where for two years she performed numerous leading roles (such as Clara in The Nutcracker). She joined the Rijeka Ballet at the beginning of the 2019/2020 season, and so far she has danced in: "The Nutcracker" by Mauro de Candija (the leading role of Maria); "Allegra", "Cipki" and "Sacred of Spring" by Maša Kolar; "To Blazing Water" by Andonis Foniadakis; "Odysseys" by Walter Matteini (the main female role of Penelope); and "Pathetic" by Douglas Lee. "Spanish Rhapsody" by Filipe Portugal . "Romeo and Juliet" by Jiri Bubenicek (the main female role Julia). "n (u/O) minous" by Ludmila Komkova"4 never" by Jeroen Verbruggen. "Adam and Eve" by Maša Kolar.

She just got the Nagradam Hrvatskog glumista, for her role in Juliet.

Klas balet - advanced (90 min)

Klas bo sestavljen iz vaj ob drogu in v centru, s poudarkom na:

  • kompleksnejše baletne tehnike in gibi,
  • izpopolnjeni obliki, prožnosti in moči,
  • delo na muzikalnosti in drugačni dinamiki giba,
  • srednje do napredne kombinacije in male koreografije.

Advanced Ballet Class (1.5 hours):

The class will consist on exercises at the barre and in the center focusing on:

  • More complex ballet techniques and movements.
  • Emphasis on refining form, flexibility, and strength.
  • Work on the musicality and different dynamics of the movement.
  • Intermediate to advanced combinations and small choreography.



Kdaj: Nedelja, 17. marec, s pričetkom ob 13.30 (120 min) - prosimo vas, da zaradi formalnosti in priprav pridete v studio vsaj 20 minut prej.

Kje: Katja Dance Company, Letališka 27, Ljubljana

parkirišče; parkirišče ob Letališki cesti pred stavbo (desno od vhoda)

Cena: 30 EUR - posamezen klas / 50 EUR - contemporary in baleta-advanced (paket) - glej povezavo - contemporary klas po klasu advanced baleta

Prijava in plačilo

-preko spleta s kartico ali po predračunu

-preko elektronske pošte na

-ali po telefonu 041 649 599

Število mest je omejeno. Klasa bosta izvedena ob zadostnem številu prijavljenih.


When: Sunday, 17th March starting at 11:30 (90 min) 

Please arrive at the studio at least 20 minutes for formalities and preparation.

Where: Katja Dance Company, Letališka 27, Ljubljana

Parking; Parking at Letališka cesta infront of the building (right of the entry gate)

Price: 30 EUR - ballet class / 50 EUR - ballet and contemporary class (package) - see link for info on contemporary class following the ballet class 

Payment online by card or by invoice

The number of seats is limited! - Registrations can be performed over email at or by phone 041 649 599 or simply use the our online registration below.

Both classes will be held if there is a sufficient number of registrants.


  • Vadnina - ballet class

    Vadnina za baletni advanced klas

    30,00 €
    +0,75 € pristojbina za storitve
    Prodaja zaključena
  • Paket - ballet + contem class

    Vadnina za baletni advanced klas in contemporary klas v paketu

    50,00 €
    +1,25 € pristojbina za storitve
    Prodaja zaključena


0,00 €

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