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Ballet Class for Every Level by María Matarranz de las Heras (Yellowbiz Art Collective)

Sat, 05 Oct


Katja Dance Company

Ponovno z nami! Ne zamudite te enkratne priložnosti baletnega klasa s prvakinjo reške baletne hiše

Žal so vsa mesta zasedena.
Ballet Class for Every Level by María Matarranz de las Heras (Yellowbiz Art Collective)
Ballet Class for Every Level by María Matarranz de las Heras (Yellowbiz Art Collective)

Čas in lokacija

05 Oct 2024, 11:30 – 13:00

Katja Dance Company, Letališka cesta 27, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia


O dogodku

Klas ob potekal v angleščini - the class will be held in english language

Kdo je María Matarranz de las Heras?

María Matarranz de las Heras je leta 2013 diplomirala na Escuela Profesional de Danza de Castilla y León. Njena prva delovna priložnost jo je pripeljala za eno sezono na Portugalsko, kjer je izvajala dela Kena Ossole in Joseja Luisa Vieire. Maria je nato nadaljevala s plesom v Švici, na Nizozemskem in v Madridu kot svobodnjakinja, medtem ko je diplomirala iz interpretacije plesa.

Leta 2017 se je pridružila Landestheatru Detmold v Nemčiji in dve sezoni plesala kot solistka. Leta 2019 se je Maria pridružila Nacionalnemu hrvaškemu baletu (HNK Ivana pl. Zajca) Reka, kjer še vedno nastopa kot glavna plesalka. V obdobju petih sezon je imela neverjetne priložnosti za nadaljnji razvoj svojih umetniških veščin s sodelovanjem s koreografi, kot so Maša Kolar, Andonis Foniadakis, Nadav Zelner, Jeroen Verbruggen in Douglas Lee med drugim.

Poleg izvajalskega vidika svojega poklicnega razvoja je Maria poučevala na delavnicah po Evropi, s poudarkom na klasičnem baletu, point shoe in sodobnem plesu. Trenutno dela na diplomi iz psihologije, kjer raziskuje presečišče psihologije in plesa.

Oktobra 2023 je Maria prejela nagrado za »najboljšo predstavo leta« s strani Narodnega hrvaškega gledališkega združenja za njeno dih jemajočo in izjemno igro Julije v Romeu in Juliji Jirija Bubeniceka.


Who is María Matarranz de las Heras 

María Matarranz de las Heras graduated in 2013 from the Escuela Profesional de Danza de Castilla y León. Her first work opportunity brought her to Portugal for a season, having performed works by Ken Ossola and Jose Luis Vieira. Following that, Maria went on to dance in Switzerland, The Netherlands, and Madrid as a freelancer while she was obtaining her Bachelor in Interpretation of Dance.

In 2017 she joined the Landestheater Detmold in Germany, working as a Soloist for two seasons. In 2019, Maria joined the Croatian National Theater in Rijeka, where she is still currently performing as a Main Principal dancer. Over the span of five seasons, she has had incredible opportunities to further develop her artistic skills by working with choreographers such as Masa Kolar, Andonis Foniadakis, Nadav Zelner, Jeroen Verbruggen, and Douglas Lee among others.

Besides the performing aspect of her professional development, Maria has been teaching workshops around Europe, focusing on classical ballet, pointe shoe work, and contemporary dance. She is currently pursuing a bachelor's in psychology, where she is exploring the intersection of psychology and dance.

In October 2023, Maria was awarded the “Best Performance of the Year Award” by National Croatian Theater Association, for her breathtaking and exceptional performance as Juliet, in Jiri Bubenicek’s Romeo & Juliet.


Baletni klas za vse nivoje  (90 min)

Ta baletni tečaj je zasnovan tako, da vključuje vse stopnje, od začetnikov do naprednih plesalcev. Poudarek bo na glavnih elementih baleta, kar bo koristilo vsakemu udeležencu, ne glede na njegove izkušnje.

  • Osnovne baletne tehnike: Uvod v osnovne baletne položaje in gibe, s poudarkom na drži, poravnavi in ​​ravnotežju.
  • Koordinacija in muzikalnost: vaje tako na drogu, kot na sredini bodo razvile koordinacijo in muzikalnost z uporabo preprostih do naprednejših kombinacij za vse ravni.
  • Umetnost in izražanje: Poudarek na umetniških vidikih baleta, spodbujanje plesalcev, da raziskujejo različne dinamike in izraze v svojih gibih.
  • Vključujoče učno okolje: Struktura razreda je zasnovana tako, da boste prav vsi vključeni, kar omogoča plesalcem vseh stopenj, da se skupaj učijo, izboljšajo in uživajo v procesu.

Ballet Class for Every Level  (1.5 hours):

This ballet class is designed to be inclusive of all levels, from beginners to advanced dancers. The focus will be on the main elements of ballet, ensuring that every participant can benefit, regardless of their experience.

  • Fundamental Ballet Techniques: Introduction to basic ballet positions and movements, with a focus on posture, alignment, and balance.
  • Coordination and Musicality: Exercises both at the barre and in the center will develop coordination and musicality, using simple to more advanced combinations to cater to all levels.
  • Artistry and Expression: Emphasis on the artistic aspects of ballet, encouraging dancers to explore different dynamics and expressions in their movements.
  • Inclusive Learning Environment: The class structure is designed to ensure no one is left behind, allowing dancers of all levels to learn, improve, and enjoy the process together.



Kdaj: Sobota, 5. oktober, s pričetkom ob 11.30 (90 min) - prosimo vas, da zaradi formalnosti in priprav pridete v studio vsaj 20 minut prej.

Kje: Katja Dance Company, Letališka 27, Ljubljana

Parkirišče; parkirišče ob Letališki cesti pred stavbo (desno od vhoda)

Cena: 30 EUR - posamezen klas / 50 EUR - balet in contemporary (paket) - glej povezavo - contemporary klas se bo pričel ob 13:30

Vaše prijave sprejemamo do sobote 28. septembra!

-preko spleta - plačilo s kartico ali po predračunu

-preko elektronske pošte na

-ali po telefonu 041 649 599

Število mest je omejeno. Klasa bosta izvedena ob zadostnem številu prijavljenih na dan 28. september ko se rok za prijave zaključi!


When: Saturday, 5th Ocotber starting at 11:30 (90 min) 

Please arrive to the studio at least 20 minutes for formalities and preparation.

Where: Katja Dance Company, Letališka 27, Ljubljana

Parking; Parking at Letališka cesta infront of the building (right of the entry gate)

Price: 30 EUR - ballet class / 50 EUR - ballet and contemporary class (package) - see link for info on contemporary class starting at 13:30

Your registration is possible till Sunday 28th September!

-Registration and payment online by card or by invoice

-over email at or by phone 041 649 599

The number of spot is limited! Both classes will be held if there is a sufficient number of registrants on 28th September, when the registrations period will be closed!

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