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Charitable multimedia theatrical dance performance


In the period between October 2016 and May 2017, we created a multimedia theatrical dance performance "Life is a value", with which we collected funds, which we allocated to the foundation "Mali Vitez", a Slovenian foundation that helps young cancer survivors.
This performance is the reason why we decided to formally establish Katja Dance Company on January 1, 2017.
Through movement and music, the dance performance urges us to think about life, illness, love and suffering, but one always finds the way to the light, appreciate the moments and be aware of life as a universal gift.
"I breathe and live dance, merge with music, tell a story with movements, create moments that I feel as that part of me that floats. My story becomes the story of many and my feelings touch the souls of others. We are looking for answers and a solution for those who cannot do it alone." (Katja Vidmar)
The story is woven through ten acts and tells about a woman who loves her profession as a doctor because she can help people and is committed to the idea that life is a value. He meets the love of his life, falls in love, enjoys moments of love and happiness, suddenly falls seriously ill. Now she is on the other side - on the side of those she protected, helped them. She can't help herself. She is looking for her meaning, way and way out of pain. She is aware of transience, she struggles with her pain... she wants to save the man - the love of her life - and everyone around her from suffering, she clings to life... she merges with the moment.

2020 and 2021
The COVID pandemic has spread globally and has hit us artists and performers all over the world hard, How to survive, how to continue doing what we love so much? A new group of people was formed, in memory of the past and a reminder of the future, with the aim of leaving something to future generations and carrying the eternal memory with us.
That's why the film Life is Value - The movie was created, which allows viewers to see our story and the story of many around the world. So with the show, we can now perform in a combination of live dance and film.
We are proud of this project as it has encouraged us through difficult times.


Life brings and takes away. It scatters the moments that pass us by and if we don't catch them, they slip away like the wind.
With this dance multimedia project Life is a value under the honorary patronage of Mrs. Vlasta Nussdorfer, the ombudsman of the Republic of Slovenia, we created a show that touches those who are facing a disease (CANCER), which creeps into our lives quietly and changes everything - it takes away the courage, laughter, time... when a person becomes speechless, stops, becomes numb and searches for answers, searches for his past, feels fear and fears the future.


The play was performed 38 times and is still on the air.

We started creating the show with twelve dancers (and up to 18 participated) with completely different backgrounds, experiences and dance styles. Everyone participates in the dance project completely free of charge.

Since the time of COVID, we have been performing in a combination of film projection and live dance.

Plesalci predstave ZJV web.png


In Murska Sobota and Maribor, we proved that it is also possible to do it different. These were evenings that no one will forget. Not the audience, not us and not Tadeja Polanšček. Months ago, we agreed to work with Tadeja, a warrior who has multiple sclerosis, which has forced her into a wheelchair. And she proved to all of us that anyone can do it if you want it enough! The audience rewarded us with tremendous applause, and Tadeja said "I've been dreaming about this for a long time, today the dream has become a reality. I'm happy!" Our tribute to you Tadeja.




14. 2. 25, 19:00


19. 9. 24, 18:00

izbor del za kongres PANCARE


16. 10. 23, 10:00

za srednjo zdravstveno šolo Ljubljana

Kako je bilo


16. 10. 23, 06:00

za srednjo zdravstveno šolo Ljubljana


15. 4. 23, 16:00

z okroglo mizo


19. 1. 23, 09:40

za dijake šol


19. 1. 23, 07:40

za dijake šol


8. 10. 22, 17:00


15. 4. 22, 16:30


14. 2. 20, 19:00


14. 2. 20, 10:30

za gimnazijo Moste


14. 12. 19, 19:00


30. 11. 19, 18:00


23. 10. 19, 08:00

za srednjo zdravstveno šolo Ljubljana


12. 4. 19, 16:00


23. 3. 19, 18:00


15. 2. 19, 08:00

za srednjo zdravstveno šolo Ljubljana


12. 1. 19, 18:00


21. 12. 18, 18:00


17. 11. 18, 18:00


20. 10. 18, 17:00


16. 5. 18, 18:00


14. 4. 18, 18:00


7. 4. 18, 17:00


17. 3. 18, 19:00


9. 2. 18, 19:00


9. 2. 18, 10:00

za srednjo zdravstveno šolo Ljubljana


9. 2. 18, 08:00

za srednjo zdravstveno šolo Ljubljana


13. 1. 18, 18:00


17. 11. 17, 19:00


11. 11. 17, 19:00


4. 11. 17, 19:00


20. 10. 17, 18:00


6. 10. 17, 17:00


30. 9. 17, 18:00


23. 9. 17, 18:00


9. 9. 17, 18:00


17. 6. 17, 18:00


10. 6. 17, 17:30


3. 6. 17, 17:30

gostja Klara Jazbec


20. 5. 17, 18:00

gostja Klara Jazbec


16. 5. 17, 17:30

gostja Klara Jazbec


Public thanksgiving

Dear Mrs. Katja Vidmar!


Allow me to thank you on behalf of the Little Knight Foundation, a foundation for helping young people cured of cancer, for the multimedia dance project Life is a value. First of all, thank you for creating the show Life is a value, even though sometimes we can't look at it that way. Thank you for your dedication, time, effort and heart that you put into this entire project.

Thank you for choosing these little knights who fought childhood cancer at a young age and overcame it with the help of intensive treatment. A serious illness during development and maturation left physical, psychological and social late consequences in them; big scars that remain but are hard to accept, painful to talk about...


Through the story you created with your extraordinary group of dancers with movements and music, you entered their lives, you gave them a voice, an expression... experiencing and feeling and transferred and given to all those who have not yet encountered such life stories, this world is foreign to them or they are even afraid of it, avoid it...

On behalf of the Little Knight Foundation and all the little knights - a sincere thank you.

I wish you much success and personal satisfaction in creating new dance stories inspired by life.


Dr. Lorna Zadravec Zaletel

President of the Little Knight Foundation

Slika ŽJV The Movie.png
Lorna Zadravec Zaletel.jpeg


contribution prepared by:
President of the Little Knight Foundation
Lorna Zadravec Zaletel

The story of the Little Knight began twenty years ago with the realization that the demanding treatment of childhood cancer and the disease itself often leave consequences that can significantly affect the quality of life.
The survival of children with cancer has improved markedly in recent decades, so that today approximately 80% of patients are cured. In Slovenia, about 50 children get cancer every year, and about 40 of them recover. Cancer treatment in children includes chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgery.
In a child who was ill and was being treated for cancer during a sensitive period of growth, emotional and mental development, the physical impairments, and especially the psychological and social problems, are emphasized even more than in an adult. In addition, the life expectancy of a child is long, and the consequences of treatment increase with age. By studying the late consequences of childhood cancer treatment, we found late consequences on various internal organs, such as the heart, lungs, kidneys, and endocrine glands, in more than half of our adolescents. A clinical psychologist found emotional disorders in approximately 80% of these adolescents. These are the result of experiencing a cancer diagnosis and all the problems, both physical and psychological, that come with cancer treatment. Because of this, they are less self-confident, have a poor self-esteem, and therefore find it harder to establish themselves in society. Due to emotional impairments, they cannot use their intellectual abilities, which is why their academic and later professional performance is worse. In order to alleviate the consequences of these emotional disorders, we started psychotherapy groups 20 years ago at the initiative of psychologist Mr. Roman Korenjak. At group meetings, young people share their experiences, fears during the treatment itself in childhood, their problems and problems in the period of growing up after the cancer treatment has ended, and of course the way to solve these problems. In these groups, young people get interlocutors, i.e. peers, with whom they can talk about their experiences and feelings related to a CANCER diagnosis. They realize that they are not alone with their problems and issues. During the meetings, they become friends, and these bonds are deepened during the group rehabilitation in the spa. It was for these vacations in the spa that financial resources were needed, so at the initiative of prof. dr. Berte Jereb founded the Little Knight Foundation, an institution to help young people cured of cancer. The idea was supported by many people of good will who enabled the development of the foundation and all the good things it can offer to young people today. Little knights are young people over the age of 16 who have overcome cancer in childhood. Today, approximately 900 Little Knights live in Slovenia.

Over the years, the foundation has maintained its original mission; promotes research into the late effects of cancer treatment in children, mitigates the consequences of treatment for those who have been cured - helps them with technical aids and supports them to obtain an education appropriate to their abilities. Each year, it grants some financial support for schooling and studies. As part of the MV Foundation, we organize various vacations both at sea, in the hills and in spas, which are accessible to all MVs. Their purpose is socializing, making friends...
Since 2002, the Council of Little Knights has been operating within the framework of the foundation. In this way, young people also help themselves in an organized way: they organize weekly to monthly meetings in various cities across Slovenia; in Ljubljana, Ajdovščina, Celje, Maribor, Novi Mesto, Koper, and from this year also in Prekmurje.

Knights are active during the week of the fight against cancer and at similar events, organize trips, picnics and connect with various societies. Work in the foundation is voluntary, funds are collected through donations, voluntary contributions and the organization of charity concerts. Without good people who listen and offer help, the foundation would not be able to function.

It wounded my body and soul,
but i am fighting!
I defy the disease and live!

Online homepage of the Mali vitez institution:


On October 4, 2017, the dance group visited the President of the Republic of Slovenia, Mr. Borut Pahor, who invited us to a reception for the 20th anniversary of the Little Knight Foundation, to which we donate the proceeds from our charity dance performances across Slovenia. We are proud and consider it a great honor that we are recognizable through our artistic activity and that even the highest Slovenian statesmen support us in our project. You can also support us and visit us at one of the shows on Slovenian stages.
Photo: Daniel Novaković/STA

Predsednik Pahor s Katja Dance Company.jpg


Anyone who has visited our show knows the 11-year-old Anže from the introductory presentation of his cancer treatment. During the three years of chemotherapy, radiation and treatment, he and his loving family visited us many times and handed over our donation on behalf of the dancers.

Anže - a tiny little creature, with the biggest heart I have ever seen. With a smile, with hope in his eyes, with kindness, tenderness, with the personality of a great man.

"Now I'll be able to eat candy and I'll be able to dance,... Now I'm really going home." were your last words.​

Anže, you and your family are the reason we keep working. That we work with our heart and your energy and don't doubt ourselves. To do our best and strive to make sure that every Slovene can see the show in which you will live forever.

Since that summer day in 2019 when you were gone, your sister Manca has stepped into your shoes and will hand over the donation with us on stage.



Manca Žvegler

​Who am I?
I ask and look myself in the face.

I am a sister, I am a daughter,
but still I turn away from the light.

When I look in the mirror,
I only see one small piece of the world
and I realize that no one really knows me.

I suffer inside
but hidden behind a mask
I fear the world.

Everyone leaves footprints,
everyone leaves traces
everyone is going somewhere and everyone is afraid of something.

I am not an exception,
I just go my own way
and I'm looking for a man
who would be simmilar as me.

His memory never fades,
but this again brings new concerns.


In Murska Sobota and Maribor, we proved that it is also possible to do it different. These were evenings that no one will forget. Not the audience, not us and not Tadeja Polanšček. Months ago, we agreed to work with Tadeja, a warrior who has multiple sclerosis, which has forced her into a wheelchair. And she proved to all of us that anyone can do it if you want it enough! The audience rewarded us with tremendous applause, and Tadeja said "I've been dreaming about this for a long time, today the dream has become a reality. I'm happy!" Our tribute to you Tadeja.



after the show in Velenje


This time I would like to summarize my thoughts after the performance in Velenje.

It was the first in 2018. It was otherwise standard in terms of execution and organization itself. But somehow different, and I felt the difference myself. The difference that already in the evening drove me to pour my thoughts into a message, but the fatigue just overcame me.

With the Velenje performance, we continued where we left off in Logatec in 2017. We came to Velenje excited, because all the contacts with the people who helped us organize and promote our performance were extraordinary, friendly, diligent and somehow understood, for what a show it is.
The Velenje Hall is a beautiful ambience of culture. With 350 seats, it provides both the performers and the audience with a unique atmosphere to consume something that cannot be done outside in everyday life.

The new dancers were definitely the big news. This time, the main male role was exceptionally danced and portrayed by Matej Pritekelj. An inspiring dance, expressive, full, energetic. He showed exactly what he had been living since October, when he spent every day in the rehersal studio and worked diligently for this role. My tribute to Matej for the performance, commitment and heart and belonging that you express every day and dedicate to our dance group and our performance. It is necessary to know that Matej is a Latin dancer by profession, who sees his future on the international professional stage, but has currently shifted his focus to this performance. Also making their debut were Špela Dolinar, who summed up her enthusiasm in the words "I wish the show would never end, I would dance again and again..." and the young exceptional ballet dancer Luka Wernig, whose jumps, turns and youthful grills bring a new dimension to the stage.

Yesterday, more than 100 spectators gathered. And yesterday I had the opportunity to speak with many of them. Some familiar faces, some new.

Let me explain. Katja Dance Company gathered for this dance performance to relive the real sides of life, including the black packs that appear again and again. In our own way, we want to artistically express emotions, hopes, fear, love, the path to a better tomorrow, the sense of why to fight and thereby touch people's emotions and trigger thinking.

What the show is not? We are not a mainstream comedy, we are not a profit-oriented show group, we are not seekers of attention and media attractiveness, we are not an experimental group that would perform fictitiousness or absurd incomprehensibility. We are not what is obviously sold at much higher prices and fills the largest Slovenian halls. And we don't want to be either!

What are we? We are a colorful group of volunteers and dancers of various dance genres, different ages, professions, we are professors, we are consultants in the field of banking technology, we are medical staff, we are economists, dance teachers, athletes, schoolchildren and students. We are people who were inspired by the story of Katja Vidmar, who speaks in a special way about the story of a doctor who heals, but also suffers from cancer herself. And we feel with the story, with the performance in its entirety and its message value, which is confirmed to us again and again by the viewers.

Our performances are mainly attended by people who have survived cancer themselves or who have come into contact with it through their loved ones, or who are thinking PEOPLE WHO CARE. And they understand what we are communicating. And we also hear what they tell us, how they live. Sick people are stigmatized, they often feel that people avoid them. And we also hear, "I don't go to shows that don't make me laugh, because I have enough of the negative sides of life in everyday life." And as such, they don't even give us a chance to give them our different story.

Even in Velenje, many spectators left the hall with tears in their eyes, but full of emotions. Emotions that are indescribable, those real, authentic, human. Isn't that exactly why we look for challenges, events, situations in life that trigger our inner emotional self. It's worth living for, and that's why it's worth working on and hoping to convince people to come see us, despite our modest financial budget.

Our honorary patron is Mrs. Vlasta Nussdorfer - Ombudsman of the Republic of Slovenia. He comes to most shows and stands with his personality and function behind everything the show is. She is an extraordinary woman, a warm-hearted person who addresses the audience from the heart, touches the sick and their relatives, and instills trust in human relations and faith in the human dignity of everyone. Mrs. Vlasta lives her role in reality and we express our deep respect and gratitude to her.

The performance begins with a short film about Anže, a boy who presents his treatment. Anže visited us with his family in Velenje. I don't know how to describe the moment when I finally met him in person. A tiny little creature, with the biggest heart I've ever seen. With a smile, with hope in his eyes, with kindness, tenderness, with the personality of a great man. Yesterday, he honored the dancers and the audience in Velenje with his visit and showed how such a small creature can proudly look at the world. Anže is the reason that proves that we work not only well, but also excellently. We work with our heart, we work for free, we do not doubt the quality of the show and we strive to make sure that every Slovene sees the show.

The doctor who treated Anžeta also came; together with her daughter, who drew pictures for Anže during his treatment. And Dr. also came. Lorna Zadravec Zaletel – president of the Little Knight institution. dr. Lorna represents the foundation in all its meaning - a new life after cancer treatment. And she is also the reason and confirmation that we made the right decision when we decided to give our help to the Little Knights. She is dedicated to her mission as a doctor when she has to make decisions every day and her decisions can mean life or death. And he is the driving force of the institution, which strives to make the lives of people who were simply unlucky easier.
Looking at every empty seat, my thought is "Too bad, we didn't make it", a missed opportunity for someone, someone who didn't know about us, or we weren't important enough for him, or we couldn't convince him to give us 10 EUR and 90 minutes of time.

As you know, the proceeds from the sold tickets are donated to the Little Knight Foundation, a foundation that helps young cancer survivors. On Saturday, 9-year-old Paraskeva, the niece of Little Knight Jova, summed up in a few words exactly what I feel myself. "I'm not a little knight, I didn't deserve this title and I don't want it either. But being a little knight also means being alive, surviving". After the performance, Jovo confided in us that he was a little disappointed by the reaction of the people. Likewise, the deputy mayor, who was visibly moved and also frank in her words, when she expressed her sincere wish that what was seen should be seen by a really wide crowd of people.

But we can't afford the jumbo posters that I encounter on my running routes, we can't afford television commercials that would reach the masses, we can't get mainstream shows on commercial television that would help spread our voice for some reason I don't understand. We cannot afford promotion agencies, as we are commercially unattractive because we are non-profit. We are not suitable for wider sponsorship, where art is not in line with the corporate strategy of most large and well-known Slovenian companies.

But we have YOU, OUR AUDIENCE, our reality, our biggest voice, and we ask you to tell us what you felt and what you saw and heard and experienced while watching the play Life is a Value. Tell them your reason for coming and maybe others will come too.

And we have our supporters who can only be one thing – kindhearted! Just how else could we interpret your support so that we can work more easily. Be proud to be part of this project!
Come to our shows and see for yourself that we justify your trust. Next time on Friday, February 9. In the morning we will perform two performances for the Ljubljana Secondary School of Health, and in the evening at 7 p.m. everyone else will also have the opportunity to see our performance Life is a Value. Follow us on our website and on our FB profile and become part of this story.


16.5.2017 M.O.

Today I was at the dance performance Life is a value, which touched me to the bottom of my heart. And not only because it was prepared by my dear and warm-hearted longtime colleague Katja Vidmar with her fellow dancers, but because with it you realize how grateful you can be for every moment that is given to you and you don't worry about little things, but you are grateful that you can live and have the opportunity to co-create in changing yourself and thus the world, the opportunity to overcome your dark sides and transform them with persistence and inner strength and shine like the sun in eternity. Why do we wait to change something until we get sick, why don't we do it sooner? It really is a superb show and it is worth going to see it and giving yourself the opportunity to delve into the secret chambers of your inner self, as its quality was confirmed by the standing ovation from everyone in the hall. Katja and the dancers and all the co-creators thank you for such a rich gift.


Katarina Gregorič, 10. april 2019


Charity theater dance performance

Dance can expand horizons, open hearts, heal the soul, tell stories and raise awareness, and help. Katja Vidmar (Katja Dance Company) combined all this into a sensual and real dance narrative. All money collected goes to charity, mostly to the Mali Vitez Foundation. All the participants approached the project unselfishly and always like to help by sharing our love, by expressing our feelings through movement. Some have been involved since the beginning and already have their 26th performance behind them, others joined later and this Friday I have my 5th performance in front of me.


A narrative, an emotional confession

It's true. I am an extremely emotional person and I am (too) often touched by the injustice and pain of the world as if it were my own. Katja, who created this sensitive performance, seems to me to be the same. I think it's wonderful that we can transform this pain into a wonderful work that communicates and tells stories from the stage and always touches the hearts of viewers. In October 2018, I saw the show with my friends. She left me speechless, left a deep mark on me and left me with quite a few interesting thoughts that ran through my head for several days. However, no consideration was needed regarding the strong desire to participate in the dance story. I wanted to help. To give what I can give. To share what I can share. Katja and I started training and soon I joined them.

Every time, I get pleasantly nervous before the show. While the general is on stage, gentle butterflies start in the stomach, which tingle a little and remind that it will happen again soon. The lights will come up and quite a few pairs of eyes will be on the stage. I like that feeling. Being part of a story that evokes different feelings often brings tears to the eyes and, above all, mostly allows people to forget about everything else, their phones and their problems, which are waiting for them at the door of the hall, at least for that one hour. The visitors are there, attentive, with us, with music and dance and a story...

Before we start the show, we gather backstage, give each other energy and then everyone waits for the start. Some are chatting a little, others are with themselves, collecting their thoughts, others look through the curtain towards the audience and check how full the hall is. When we step on stage, it seems to me that we are one. I feel that we breathe together, that we create with the same purpose, that we share our energy with the same enthusiasm. With every movement, we want to deliver the narrative as sensually, sincerely and openly as possible. It is precisely these feelings that make each performance special, but always full of good, refined and emotional.


Although I know the story by heart, as well as the lyrics of all the songs, because I am really fully present with my thoughts during the performance, the same thing always happens in the end. At the last choreography, he squeezes me. I hear music that is extremely strong and sad for me. I feel dimmed lights and smoke on stage. Something moves inside me every time. In a similar way, I deal with similar feelings, but they are somehow different each time. Different shades, but always extremely strong. By the end of the show, I always shed a tear or two. Sometimes, however, the channel opens wide and the drops from the eyes take some time to stop and dry.

No, it's not sadness. It doesn't even have to be pain. Mostly it's just the awareness that life really is a value in itself. Too few times I realize this and give thanks for everything that I have, for everything that has been made possible for me, for everything that I have already achieved. Above all, the play reminds me of my deep gratitude for all the people around me who make my world more beautiful, better and more heartfelt. I remember many moments in my life that (were) once important to me, but in this fast pace, I forgot them. Then I always set myself the task of trying to live in the moment and be grateful for it, whatever the moment may be. Just that it exists is enough. It's worth it. It is unfathomable.


Thank you Katja

... that I could join. Thank you to all the dancers for welcoming me. Thank you for creating, breathing and giving together.